Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Starting a new relationship is kinda like pushing your heart out of an airplane and trusting the other person to put the chute on for you... sometimes they give you one sometimes they don't. The fall is fun no matter what, but whether you make it to the ground smoothly or not is the only difference.


amygal said...

I think you're going this analogy all wrong because relationships are not even close to being as scary as jumping out of a plane (even with a backup shoot)...believe me, I did it!

I think a new relationship is more like going tubing:
One party is usually chillin, nonchalantly driving the boat, having a great time and not realizing how much they're torturing the tuber... and annoyed that they can't understand the tubers frantic hand signals.

The other person is on the tube experiencing one of the funnest things on earth but the whole time nervous about being dumped into the bone chilling water... and frustrated that the driver will not listen to their frantic hand signals!

There are some rare one in a million instances where a lot of strength and luck keeps you on the tube. But, most the time we fall off. And, the best and craziest news is, we always go for another ride even if we have one of those oh so painful "fly across the water, tripple flip, enigma" type of falls.

And friends, we are like the spotters... who will always be there watching in an ammused fashion, but we promise to lookout for you at all times.

amygal said...

p.s. I hope it is ok that I wrote on this in the evening since I ran out of other things to do to procrastinate on my homework...and my boss strictly prohibits any kind of internet use or pictures on the computer during working hours. boo!

amygal said...

p.p.s my analogy is also better because a picture of a boat and tuber is way more fun than some girlie heart in the sky photo... don't make us think you're gay again... the thought was just fading with the recent girlfriend. :) :) :)